Ice Fishing (2h) +- 30min
Are you looking for an outdoor activity?
During the winter months, it is peaceful to spend a day on the ice for ice fishing.
We set off and head out on the frozen sea to fish through the ice.
During the ice fishing we offer sweets, coffee and tea.
Price: SEK 900/person.
Children under 12 years old pay half price.

Sled Dog Tour & Ice Fishing (4h)
Start times: 10.00 & 14.00 (+-30min)
Experience an adventure with our sled dogs and try ice fishing.
Sled dog tour included: instructions, sweets & coffee.
Ice fishing included: instructions, sweets & coffee.
Here you will have the opportunity to experience a trip with sled dogs and ice fishing. -During the sled dog tour, we make our way through the Nordic nature with our four-legged friends. After the sled dog tour, we set off and head out on the frozen sea to fish through the ice.
Price: SEK 3000. Children under 12 pay half price.